Tuesday, December 24, 2013

Dwarven level: Christmas Update

So ALOT has happened in the past few days. I kinda had a "Ah Hah" moment which was essentially a texturing/artistic workflow breakthrough.

For one I figured out a workflow for creating the visual style for World of Warcraft. I'm still getting used to it but I have great hope for my next attempt at a level/environment set in the Warcraft universe.

I'm very excited to do more of this.


Friday, December 20, 2013

Dwarven level: Update

I decided the big open area in my level needed something to fill the space a bit better. I ended up taking influence from the Explorers league architecture in Ironforge.

 My version isn't quite as tall but still is pretty similar. All still a WIP. The room might actually be a bit tight now.

A few handpainted textures ive been working on.

Process gif of one of the rock textures above

Tuesday, December 17, 2013

Dwarven Level Progress

A bit more progress. Getting very close to the texture phase. The level is still look a bit empty. A few props would help with that. I'm looking at ways to sell the scale a bit better. In UDK the scale the structures is fairly large.

A few hand-painted textures I made a bit ago. I probably won't end up using these, but I liked how they turned out.



Sunday, December 15, 2013

Break time - Dwarven Level

Over this winter break I decided to partake in the blizzard student art contest. The challenge is to create an environment that will fit into the Warcraft universe and match there art style.
The images below include some of the changes my level has gone through over the past week or so. Keep in mind these are all still very much a work in progress.

Thursday, December 5, 2013

The Start of Some Hand Painted Goodness

I decided to try and MAYBE compete in the blizzard art contest over this winter break. I've been trying my luck at doing some hand painted textures. These are still early WIPs but man have I have been having a blast doing these.

Definitely more to come.