Friday, September 26, 2014

10 Game Mechanics

For my Game Design class we were asked to create a list of 10 different game mechanics that could be used for our upcoming Toy project.

The idea for my toy is to create a top down dungeon crawler, similar to something like Diablo or Torchlight. I'm not exactly which universe I want to set the game in but I for sure want to create a top down game.

Here are my ten ideas:

1. A pressure plate that when activated causes arrows to shoot from the walls. The player must time their movement to successfully make it though.

2. Large slabs that periodically slam together. The player must time their movement in order to avoid being sandwiched between the two moving beams.

3. Puzzle platform that the player must navigate through. The pieces move in a sequence that the player must figure out in order to unlock the door to the next room.

4. Cameras with lights that oscillate back and forth. The player must sneak past the cameras without being seen.

5. A teleport spell that blinks the player forward a fixed amount of units.

6. Falling debris from the roof that the player must avoid.

7. Some sort of combat system. I'd like to get melee going somehow. This will require extensive research.

8. Fireball spell. I'd like to figure out how to create a simple particle and use it as a projectile that potentially can damage enemies.

9. Create a light source such as a torch that follows the player and illuminates the dark environment in which they are exploring.

10. A system that allows the player to move objects in the world and use them in various puzzle obstacles.

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